SAVE THE DATE SERRC MEETING OCTOBER 22nd 4:30 PM Fireside Grill Role Models in STEM: Using Read Alouds to Showcase STEM Professionals who are Gender, Racially, and Linguistically Diverse
Dr. Nicole Glen will be presenting the following: A read-aloud can be a magical moment of connectedness and deep learning between a teacher and their students. Yet often read-alouds are the domain of primary classrooms, relegated to an auxiliary role in the ELA timeblock and rarely an essential component of STEM education. Creating opportunities for engagement with STEM careers opens doors for students as they decide on what they may want to pursue as they continue their schooling. Additionally, meaningful STEM role models for students who are gender, racially, and linguistically diverse is a social justice commitment. This project’s framework is based on the acute inequities in access to STEM education that our diverse students encounter throughout their K-12 education. Encouraging more people to enter STEM professions begins in K-12 education which in turn begins with a commitment from teachers and other educators to showcase people in these professions. This presentation will highlight a variety of texts appropriate for K-12 classrooms that educators may use to highlight STEM professionals from many different disciplines and demographic backgrounds and across subject areas and genres.
Communities Served: Acushnet, Assonet, Attleboro, Berkly, Bridgewater, Dartmouth, Dighton, East Bridgewater, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, Lakeville, Mansfield, Marion, Mattapoisett, Middleboro, New Bedford, North Attleboro, Norton, Plainville, Raynham, Rehoboth, Rochester, Seekonk, Somerset, Swansea, Taunton, Wareham, West Bridgewater, Westport
SERRC is proud to an affiliate of the Massachusetts Reading Association!